Abby Ferguson Photography

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Christmas in Spearfish (Part 4)

The day after Christmas was another day spent climbing. We tried a different area first (Bridal Veil Falls), but the ice was rather terrible, which made for not very enjoyable climbing, and not the safest of conditions either. After Kyle attempted it, we decided to head back to where we went the first day since we knew the ice was decent there. However, instead of climbing a bunch with the guys, this time around I hiked up the canyon to get on top of the ridge. I walked around photographing the canyon and forest for some time, including some shots of Scott and Kyle climbing below me.

It was slowly snowing while I was up there, and I watched some low clouds roll over the hills in front of me. At one point I just sat in the snow with my camera on my lap and took it all in with a big grin on my face. There isn't much that makes me as happy as a snowy forest. The incredible quiet and simple beauty never fails to leave me in awe, no matter how often I experience it.