Abby Ferguson Photography

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Flashback Friday: Summer Rain

This summer has been a bit unusual in Manhattan, as we have had quite a bit of rain. This morning, in fact, I was woken up early by a little thunderstorm rolling through. Any time we get random thunderstorms and rain showers here, it reminds me of my time in Kentucky. It was a fairly regular occurrence to get afternoon thunderstorms during the summer there, and often it involved pouring rain while it was still sunny out. I absolutely loved it, and would generally run outside with my camera as soon as it started. I would have my camera in a rain sleeve to keep it dry, though I would end up completely drenched with a smile on my face. 

These images are from one such storm. I remember it absolutely down pouring, but soon after it started, the sun came out, making all of the puddles and raindrops richly golden. Even though these photographs are pretty simple, they represent a very positive time in my life and bring back lots of wonderful memories. To this day, I absolutely adore standing out in the pouring rain during summer storms (something that elicited confused looks and protests from Scott the first time I pulled him outside with me). 

Happy Friday, and have a wonderful weekend everyone! Don't forget to hit the "Subscribe" button on the left, and feel free to share, via the links below.