
Spring Break (Day One)

We recently had our spring break at KSU, and a small group of friends and I headed out to the Ouray area for the week. The plan was to do some ice climbing, but it had been so warm (and was very warm while we were there), that the ice was nearly non-existent. The guys managed to go ice climbing in the morning for the first two days we were there, which meant that I had some time to lounge and relax (which was rather glorious). 

We had found an incredible Airbnb rental for our vacation, and both of those mornings while the guys were out on the ice, I photographed a bunch just from the front porch of the house we were staying at. The view was absolutely stunning, and I couldn't resist taking pictures every time the clouds on the mountains spread out in front of me changed

On the night of our first full day we were treated to some jaw dropping light and clouds. At one point Scott told me to look outside because of the color on the hills next to the setting sun, and so I ran outside with my camera in hand. I was not disappointed. The light looked like a painting. My friend Brendan was outside playing his guitar, and the light on him was some of the most incredible I have seen. (I'm lucky to hang out with people that don't pay much attention when I start snapping pictures of them randomly.)  

Just as the light faded on Brendan, I turned around to see that a rainbow had formed, and I raced to get a decent angle before it went away. It was absolute perfection.

As the sun continued to set, the light was thrown up onto the clouds creating a stark contrast in color. I was blown away, and stayed out snapping away until the last bit of sun dipped below the mountains. Needless to say it was a great end to our first day there. 

Day two will be coming soon, so be sure to check back to see more images from this magical place!