
Broiled Grapefruit

The other morning I discovered my new favorite thing. Broiled Grapefruit. I don't know why I had never thought to do this before, but I saw a recipe online and a light bulb immediately went off in my head. 

It is such a simple thing to make, but is incredibly delicious. It is perfectly warm and sweet, but still has that tart citrus taste that makes me love grapefruit in the first place. And it can be tweaked to your hearts desire depending on your current mood or personal taste. This time around I roughly followed the recipe that sparked the idea (found here), which called for brown sugar and cinnamon (I also added some nutmeg) on top of the grapefruit halves. A few days later I made it again with granulated sugar instead of brown sugar, which was also extremely tasty (and perhaps preferred). I have also seen some recipes suggest honey, or maple syrup, and even rosemary and various other herbs or spices. 

After covering the fruit with whatever you like just pop it in the oven with it set to broil, and the pan set as close to the broiler as possible. It only takes 6 minutes or so, but make sure you watch it closely because the sugars will burn quickly if you aren't careful. 

Once the sugars have melted and started to caramelize slightly pull it out of the oven and enjoy!