
Hiking At Arapahoe Basin

It's crazy to think that when I typed this (this past weekend), the Arapahoe Basin Ski Area got more snow. Although it doesn't look like it right now, the area is a great place to hike in the summer. These images are from last July (yes, I am that behind), on a hike that I took while Scott cycled up Loveland Pass. The mountainside was completely covered with wildflowers, of all different types. It was a beautiful, straightforward hike that lead to some amazing views. And the best part? The restaurant at the base was open, so we grabbed a beer afterwards, to reward ourselves for getting worked by the altitude. 

Next up: back to Lime Creek Canyon, for more images from our favorite getaway. 

Alpine Camping + Fishing (Part Two)

Hello again! Time for part two of our camping trip to Guanella Pass last fall! I'm going to sum everything up and leave you with the images, so you can scroll without distractions. 

Our second day in the alpine was a nice, lazy day; we slept in (as much as you can while camping), made breakfast, and just enjoyed the beautiful day and campsite. The sun was was stunning, and everything was glowing that morning. Scott went back to fishing, and continued to catch little brook trout on the fly. A dragonfly even posed for pictures for quite a while, and I was able to inch closer and closer to get images of his amazing wings. It was quite the perfect morning. After a relaxing morning, we ran to town for lunch and supplies, and then came back to a partially rainy evening, which was spent boiling water for our hike the next day while enjoying a bonfire. Dinner was made while bundled up in our tent, which is one of my favorite things when camping in the cold. 

Next time: Images from our hike up Mt. Bierstadt, my second fourteener. Be sure to check back to see crazy sunrise light, amazing mountain views, and fluffy, white ptarmigans in winter mode. As always, thanks for stopping by! Feel free to share via the links below, and be sure to say hi! 


Flashback Friday: Red River Gorge

It has been a few (okay, more than a few) weeks since the last Flashback Friday post. But, I am hoping to get back on track with them starting this week!

Every so often I find myself feeling extremely homesick for Kentucky. I lived in Lexington for four and a half years while I went to school at the University of Kentucky for my bachelor's degrees. Lexington and the surrounding areas took a piece of my heart during that time. The feeling of missing that area comes in waves, but for the past week or so I have found myself deep underneath one of them; this post is a result of that. 

One of the (many) great things about Lexington is that it was only around an hour and a half drive to the Red River Gorge. The Red was one of my favorite escapes when I was feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or just needed a break from people and the city. It is such a large area that when I went on my hikes, depending on the trail I chose, I would rarely see more than one or two people, if any. That fact, combined with the tall cliffs, vast forest, and towering trees made me feel small, and often helped put things in perspective as I hiked. 

I was obsessed with the trails there, and ended up with enough photographs of them to do an entire (and lengthy) series on that alone. They were often narrow, and would twist and turn allowing me to only see so far ahead before it disappeared into the woods. Perhaps as would be expected, they were quite symbolic for me. 

It was almost always incredibly humid in the summer, which I normally cannot stand. However, the past few days I have found myself even missing that heavy, moist air that I was bound to encounter on my summer hikes. It was also always incredibly green in The Red during the spring and summer months. The light that filtered down through the dense leaves had a sort of green tint to it, and everything was lush and filled with life. Ferns and moss are some of my favorite plants, and there would be expansive areas filled with both of them, much to my delight. 

I have many more images of the area (both The Red and Lexington) that I will likely be posting in the coming Flashback Friday posts, so be sure to check back next Friday to see another piece of what I have been dreaming about lately.

And with that, happy Friday and have a wonderful weekend! 

Rushing Waters

Just over a month ago, (yikes I am behind on sharing images) Scott and I went fishing at Rocky Ford State Fishing Area, just outside of Manhattan. It was an absolutely perfect evening. Perfect temperatures, stunning light, and a nice flow of water over some mini rapids. It could not have been any better. 

It was so perfect, I didn't even cast out a line once. I was in heaven just wandering around taking photographs. The light hitting the water was like a dream, and I couldn't get enough of it.

Scott, of course, was very focused on fishing. Luckily he doesn't seem to mind when I follow him around snapping photographs; which I do a lot. 

With the heat and humidity setting in here in Kansas, I find myself longing for this day. Between the light breeze, warm, golden sun, and cool water I couldn't ask for anything more. This is my type of perfect. 

This week has been a bit busy, so I'm unfortunately a day off on my normal posting schedule. Friday I am handling a garage sale, though I will try to get the next Flashback Friday up despite that. I hope everyone enjoyed the golden light and beautiful water as much as I did! Have a wonderful end to your week!

Flashback Friday: Tiny Jubilations

This post marks the start of a new series! Since I switched over to this website I have been trying to figure out a way to organize my blog, specifically thinking about themes for regular posts. If you are an Instagram user (or really any other form of social media), you likely have seen the hashtag for flashback Fridays, which is the theme for these posts. As the title implies, I will be pulling images from the archives that I haven't posted anywhere before, and occasionally some that have been posted quite a while ago (usually from past 365 projects). These will likely involve stories or thoughts on how my view of them has changed since taking the photograph, which is the case for today's post.

The past few days I have been digging through my hard drive to clean things up, and find things that I never got around to sharing. I took the images below back in July of last year. These tiny bottles have been the subjects of photographs before as part of past 365 projects. For the most part the bottles had some conceptual purpose in those photographs, but I shot them this time with no real purpose other than to take advantage of the last light coming through my bedroom window. However, when I came upon them this week, they took on new meaning for me. 

That new meaning comes from two different places, though I am only going to go into much detail on one of those in this particular post. While I was doing research for the written component of my thesis, I was recommended an essay called Tiny Jubilations by Johanna Burton. Her essay is a review of photographer Peter Fraser's work, but some of the phrases she uses, along with the general ideas conveyed in the essay, are beautiful and inspiring (as the title alone should hint at). Essentially, through talking about Fraser's photographs, Burton highlights the importance of noticing the small things and taking joy from those things.

That essay wasn't directly on my mind while working on these images, and yet, as I thought of what to title them, the phrase Tiny Jubilations kept popping back into my head.

The second influence on the change of meaning is as a result of photographing a fellow graduate student's thesis show. I will be posting images of her show on here soon (hopefully), so I won't give too much away, but her show was partially focused on the importance of noticing the small things. She filled the gallery with tons of objects, creating an installation that invited exploration and discovery. Photographing her show reinvigorated my desire to capture these types of moments, and reaffirmed my love of them as well. 

Seeing the light come through the string in these little bottles, and the shadows it produced on the windowsill, was (and is) beautiful to me. It seems like a perfect definition of the phrase Tiny Jubilations. Being able to notice these small, and seemingly insignificant moments, is such an incredible thing; being able to get joy from them is even better. It is one of the reasons I love being a photographer.

These Friday posts won't always have such a message attached to them (in fact they probably rarely will), but today I want to advise everyone to take a moment to slow down. It's pretty easy these days to rush through your routine, stay distracted by your phone, and not really pay attention to your surroundings. But this weekend, make it a goal to take some time and just look. I have to remind myself that from time to time, but it is so important to do. It will make your day so much more enjoyable. 

That said, happy Friday everyone! I hope you have a beautiful weekend filled with Tiny Jubilations!