
Kings and Queens and Dragons (oh my!)

A few weeks ago I stocked up on paint, googly eyes, and gathered the toilet paper tubes I had been saving for a craft project with the kids I care for. I had planned to have them make monsters, but as usually happens, the kids all came up with their own unique ideas for what those tubes should be turned into. 

I didn't get any photographs of the kids making their creations (I was too busy gluing things and my hands were covered in paint most of the time), but afterwords we went outside to play and brought the characters with. 

Somehow, this little one ended up wearing the exact same shirt as the last time I brought my camera. I promise she does have other clothes (lots of them), and I don't only put this one shirt on her. 

And with that, here is to a happy Monday, and a smooth start to the week after a holiday weekend! 

Christmas in Spearfish (Part 6)

Now that my thesis show is over, I finally have had some time to finish up images from Christmas!

We had planned on leaving December 30th, but that morning the car refused to start. After Scott and my brother suffered through the below zero temperatures while trying to get it started for nearly half a day, which involved a new battery, multiple sets of jumper cables, and a space heater, we ended up having it towed to the dealership in town. They found that the starter needed to be replaced, and so we opted to just leave the next morning and instead spent the rest of the day lounging with my family. I took advantage of it and pulled out my camera to grab some images of my nephews as they wrestled and ran around. 

That is (finally) it for the images from our Christmas trip. Stay tuned for photographs of my thesis installation up next! 

Christmas in Spearfish (Part 3)

This Christmas was perfect. We woke up while it was still dark, but as it got light we were able to see the snow coming down heavily outside, just like a snow globe. When I picture my ideal Christmas, this was it. Plus, Christmas morning is so much better with little nephews around. The excitement they have is absolutely contagious, and you can't help but smile as they scream with joy while ripping off wrapping paper to discover what is insideAfter opening presents and eating too many waffles with whipped cream, we went for a walk in the snow with the boys, which may have been the highlight of the day for me.