
Delicate Moments

Oh my. It has been quite a while since I last typed in this space. My own photography has more or less gone on the back burner for quite a few months (okay, longer than that even), as I've been almost entirely focused on my full time job. However, as of late the fire has been stoked, and I've found a renewed desire to work on my own images. Part of the itch to create again means that sharing must also happen, as I believe that work shouldn't exist in the vacuum that is my computer. 

So, without further ado, just a handful of images that have been sitting around in that vacuum for almost a year. These images are focused on small spaces; things that create little moments of intrigue for me. Simple, straightforward, and not necessarily all that special. But, these are the subjects that attracted me to photography in the first place, and are the ones that I come back to over and over again. 

St. Croix Garden Tour

A few weekends ago I drove up to Minnesota to surprise my mom for her birthday weekend. The surprise was a big success (the look on her face was priceless), and it ended up being a perfect, albeit short, weekend with my family. That Sunday, her actual birthday, we went on the St. Croix Garden Tour. My family generally goes every year, though it has been a while since I was able to join. We saw some beautiful gardens, and it was fun seeing my nephew enjoying it all as well.

This first garden was my favorite from the tour. It was located on a plot of land that used to be a dairy farm, and had massive gardens that sprawled through the woods, and included a perfect little creek, the old dairy barns, and a tennis court tucked in the back. It was stunningly beautiful. 

The gardens after that were a bit smaller, but each had their own charm. My family got lots of ideas for their own gardens from the tour, and I kept on dreaming about the home I will have someday. 

New posts over the next few weeks may be a bit sporadic, as I get ready to help Scott move to Colorado next week, and then move myself a few weeks after that. I will try to keep things up here, but if it go quiet, trust that I will get caught up again after I am settled in somewhat. 

Flashback Friday: Plant Collection

This week's Flashback Friday is a brief one, comes from September of last year. 

I have a problem. I am a bit of a hoarder when it come to plants. I have an end table that is just for plants; it doesn't actually function as an end table should. Basically every surface in my apartment that gets light is occupied by plants. This little table is my favorite though. It sits right next to the window, and so when the sunlight comes in, light is bounced around all my little planters, making beautiful patterns and designs on the table. 

I also have a garage sale coffee table that I spray painted silver in my undergrad days (I know, a questionable decision). It houses a few plants as well, of course, and on the same evening as the images above there was a perfect little spotlight on some of the plants there.

In case you haven't noticed, I have opened up a store here on my website! I finally got the store set up in order to get together some money for a brief trip to the United Kingdom this summer. It is my first real chance to travel abroad, and I cannot wait! I don't have set plans as of yet, but I will likely be in Dublin for a few days, and Exeter for a few days as well. So, if you would like to see some (hopefully) stunning pictures of those areas, consider purchasing a print to help me get there (and eat while I am there). Just click on the "Purchase" link on the left to see what I have listed. There aren't many images up as of yet, but essentially any image you see on my website is for sale. If there is an image you are interested in purchasing but don't see listed in the store please let me know. Also, the sizes listed in the store are just some of the options available. If you have another size in mind, please email me. Below there is also a link to donate, which will get you a randomly chosen 4x6" print. Thank you everyone for any and all support. It is so appreciated!

Travel Fund

Spring Break (Day Two)

Day two in Colorado was another morning spent relaxing while the guys got some ice climbing in. It was a drizzly morning, which created some dreamy atmospheric haze over the mountains most of the day. The dreary day also produced some of that nice, soft light as well, which is a nice change of pace from the near constant sun in Kansas. I wandered around outside the house a bit more, and while the drizzle fell on me I became obsessed with some of the trees behind the house and fell even more in love with this area. 

I also pulled out the film cameras that morning, and grabbed some shots with three different types of film (if I remember correctly). I still need to send the negatives out to be processed, but below you can see the two Polaroids I took on this particular day. For those of you who don't know me well, I am rather obsessed with circles (my thesis show was entirely circular work). So, when I saw that the Impossible Project just released a film pack with circular frames, I jumped at the chance to buy them. And shooting them in the mountains was not one bit disappointing. 

Stay tuned for day three coming soon, featuring epic clouds and stunning mountain views. 

Welcome + Moments of Light

Hello and welcome! For those who have been following along on the Wordpress blog, welcome to the new blog (and website)! For those who are seeing my work for the first time, I hope you enjoy and stick around for more. I have been working on my website for some time now, and wanted my blog and website to be seamlessly connected, which means I will be transitioning my blog posts to be exclusively contained here. 

I knew I wanted my blog connected to my website for some time, but felt like the first post should be something special. That qualification, plus the fact that I am extremely indecisive, meant that I just didn't post anything. But tonight, as I sit listening to the printer hum while I prepare for a committee meeting, I decided to bite the bullet and start making the transition. 

I thought it might be appropriate for my first post here to be dedicated to one of the things I am most consistently photographing: light. I am enamored (some might say obsessed) by light (and I suppose also shadow). It is one of my favorite things in life. I am perfectly content sitting and watching the light filtered through leaves dancing on a wall, or watching the shadows move across a room as the sun sets. The way that light passes through and reflects off of glass and other objects fascinates me, and I don't think will ever cease to fascinate me. Most of the images of light are shot on my phone, since I have that with me all the time and these are always spontaneous moments. In fact, I have been known to stop in the middle of whatever I am doing (even somewhat time sensitive tasks, like cooking) just to capture the light that instant. So, with all that said, here are some of my most recent moments of light.