rain clouds

Lime Creek Canyon (Part One)

My second favorite set of images from last year is quite different from the engagement shoot of the last post. Over labor day last year, a friend from Kansas and his brother came out to Colorado for a camping and climbing trip with us. This adventure took us to what quickly became one of my new favorites spots. Driving into the canyon (Lime Creek Canyon) was like a scene out of a movie. We arrived right as an afternoon thunderstorm was moving in, with low, heavy clouds rolling over the surrounding hills. It started to downpour, with thunder booming close. The storm only lasted a few minutes though, and once the rain stopped we quickly piled out of the car and set up camp, in case another storm rolled in. I let the guys handle setting up the tents (there were three of them, after all), so that I could wander around grabbing images of the stunning setting. 

After camp was set up, we went for a brief hike to explore the area. The clouds started to clear up as we hiked, creating some of the most amazing light that I have ever seen. We were pretty damp from hiking around after a complete downpour, but it was all completely worth it. The evening ended with a sunset fit for a dream, putting an exclamation point on the start of our trip. 

Next week: Part two of the Lime Creek Canyon camping trip, with even more amazing views. Slowly but surely I WILL get caught up on the huge backlog of images I have. Be sure to click the "subscribe" button off to the left in order to stay in touch! And as always, thank you for stopping by!

Spring Break (Day Two)

Day two in Colorado was another morning spent relaxing while the guys got some ice climbing in. It was a drizzly morning, which created some dreamy atmospheric haze over the mountains most of the day. The dreary day also produced some of that nice, soft light as well, which is a nice change of pace from the near constant sun in Kansas. I wandered around outside the house a bit more, and while the drizzle fell on me I became obsessed with some of the trees behind the house and fell even more in love with this area. 

I also pulled out the film cameras that morning, and grabbed some shots with three different types of film (if I remember correctly). I still need to send the negatives out to be processed, but below you can see the two Polaroids I took on this particular day. For those of you who don't know me well, I am rather obsessed with circles (my thesis show was entirely circular work). So, when I saw that the Impossible Project just released a film pack with circular frames, I jumped at the chance to buy them. And shooting them in the mountains was not one bit disappointing. 

Stay tuned for day three coming soon, featuring epic clouds and stunning mountain views.